2018 SALT Teaching Conference & SALT/LatCrit Junior Faculty Development Workshop.

October 4 2018 - October 6 2018
Penn State Law

Date(s) - October 4 - October 6
All Day

Penn State Law

LatCrit/SALT Junior Faculty Development Workshop

The LatCrit, Inc./SALT Tenth Annual Junior Faculty Development Workshop (FDW) will take place on October 4, 2018, immediately preceding the SALT Teaching Conference.  The FDW is designed for critical, progressive, and social justice oriented pre-tenure professors, including clinicians and legal writing professors, as well as those who may be contemplating a law teaching career.  The FDW familiarizes junior faculty with LatCrit and SALT principles and values and support them in the scholarship, teaching, and service aspects of professional success.

Friday and Saturday, October 5 and 6, 2018  

SALT Teaching Conference


Penn State Law, University Park, Pennsylvania

REGISTER HERE!  https://w2.pennstatelaw.psu.edu/forms/salt/


Legal education and practice are evolving. Advances in technology are changing not only what law students learn and how they are taught, but also the role of the attorney within the practice of law. Jurisprudence and rule of law are being challenged in ways they haven’t before. Profound societal changes, stemming from rapid shifts in federal, state, and local policies, require attorneys to be adept at developing innovative legal theories and strategies. Globalization and the demand for interprofessional competencies are transforming all aspects of practice.

We welcome and encourage a variety of session formats.  You may submit a proposal as an individual speaker, as a panel, or group; however, panel or group presentations are preferred over individual submissions.  Please note that proposals from individuals and small groups will be combined with other presenters. Whatever your topic and format, please use the required format for your proposal.  Please email proposals to 2018_SA.9l93a5xbsbwnvqdc@u.box.com (view the Call for Proposals for further details).  

SALT members will receive a discounted registration fee. 

Individual SALT membership dues for 2018 range from $10 to $50.  Join or renew now to support SALT’s vital work for justice, diversity and excellence in legal education and take advantage of SALT benefits throughout 2018, including discounted tickets to SALT’s 2019 Annual Event to be held in New Orleans.


A room block has been set from the night of 10/3 to the night of 10/6 at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center. Guests can call the Reservations Department at 1-800-233-7505. In order to receive the group rate of $134 per room per night plus tax, guests will need to mention the Group Code SALT18A.  At 12:01 AM on Monday, September 3, 2018, any unconfirmed rooms in the block will be released for public sale so please book in advance.