SALT Co-Sponsors Diversity in Law Leadership Workshop, Seattle, Sept. 19-20

SALT again proudly co-sponsors the Fifth Biennial Promoting Diversity in Law School Leadership Workshop with Seattle University School of Law and the University of Washington School of Law in Seattle on September 19 and 20.  We thank Deans Annette Clark (Seattle) and Kellye Testy (Washington) for their unwavering support of this effort to diversify and broaden the ranks of law school leaders as deans, associate deans, and university administrators.

Registration Is Open! 

Fifth Biennial Workshop

Promoting Diversity in Law School Leadership

September 19-20, 2014 ▪ Seattle University School of Law

Seattle University School of Law, the Society of American Law Teachers (SALT) and the University of Washington School of Law offer this workshop to encourage and assist members of underrepresented groups to pursue deanships and other university and law school leadership positions.

This workshop will help you:

·         Determine whether you want to be dean and find the right time and place to pursue a deanship;

·         Understand the nuts and bolts of the dean’s role;

·         Prepare yourself to be a successful dean candidate;

·         Learn how to negotiate the terms of your appointment and ensure a successful transition to the decanal role; and

·         Determine what other forms of university and law school leadership roles may be right for you.

The workshop is suggested not only for those individuals considering deaning, but also for those who are planning an upcoming dean search and for those who work closely with the dean, including associate deans.

Register at the following link:

Workshop Contact: Katie Carcamo,

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